*All pieces have been reworked and rebranded with an alternative identity for legality purposes. All original copy has been replaced with lorem ipsum, and campaign catchphrases have been translated to French. * 

DEUX is an alternative interpretation of Revance’s upcoming neuromodulator product (name to be released upon FDA approval) DEUX’s addition to the neuromodulator market is quite disruptive, Its novel formulation requires a brand identity that suits its innovative nature. The framework of DEUX’s identity is built on two cornerstones: Disruption and elevation.  

Disrupt: DEUX’s most significant takeaway is its efficacy and longevity–setting itself apart from the competitor. Unlike other neuromodulator injections, DEUX patients only need two treatments per year—each treatment lasting 6 months or longer—while other injections last up to 3 months. In a market with a lack of significant innovation over the last 20+ years, DEUX is here to disrupt.  

Elevate: In addition to disruption, we wanted to elevate the ubiquitousness that both health care professionals (HCPs) and patients experienced. Therefore, we had to go back to square one—building a new kind of ecosystem—from the ground up. We began developing teaser sites for HCPs to see if their practice qualifies for DEUX usage to DEUX fully-branded learning portals (DUEX U). We reimagined what the launch campaign should look and feel like in a prestige neuromodulator market. Unlike other brands, consumers would experience a white glove experience from their provider, receiving new injection patterns learned from DEUX U.















